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Why Christians Should Never Be Permitted Around Musical Instruments

This clip, straight from The Pit Of Hades Itself, has so many things in it that I love:
...the Foursome Of Christian Coolness on backing vocals!

...the white soul keyboard stylings of the 38-year-old woman on her Yamaha portable home organ!

...the attempts to coordinate a look by the women ("I don't know, Madge, but if I were you, I'd wear that real pretty blue dress you wore to Pastor Heemstra's 75th Anniversary Potluck Dinner.  What's that?  You ripped the one arm when you were dishing up some of your Cheesy Noodle Kaboodle?  How'd you manage that one?  Well, I'll bring my Stitch Witch to the taping, mmmkay?")

...the funky bass solo!

...the studied attempt by the vocalist to sing New Wave!  Move over, Dale Bozzio...there's a Christian afoot, and he wants to wear your stilettos.

...the not-terribly-chaste eyefuckery by the vocalist toward the camera!

...the "I was fired from the Heartbreakers by Tom Petty himself" hip moves by the guitarist!

...the super-funky "footloose and Famolare!" 1982 blue footwear on the guitarist!

...the "Ooooh!" 

...one word: "J-J-J-Jesus!"

Yeah, Jesus is my friend.  Although I think that if I sang a song like this about Him, He'd stop returning my phone calls.  And do you think that Jesus ever dated Bebe Buell?

A special hello to dougsploitation, who has long recognized the ooey gooey Jesusy Noodle Kaboodle that is "Sonseed."  (I'm apparently late to the ballgame; I was inside the ladies' room during the national anthem, gossiping and teasing my hair.)  His blog is incredibly cool, too.

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