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Whiter still!

     That's right, I've continued to strive towards a method of painting white. This represents my best results thus far. I used Space Wolf Grey, actually I used Vallejo's Wolf Grey. Same difference. I based the whole model with that, used a Badab Black was over the whole model, repainted with the Wolf Grey (leaving the darker nooks), and then finally highlighted with white!

     I think the effect is very pleasing. I'm sure it doesn't look pure white, but that's just fine. Standing on its own, it truly looks white! What's more, I can highlight it!

     I decided to make him a White Scars marine. No particular reason, I suppose, but it was a fun experiment and I feel confident I can improve on my technique with time. Here are some more pics:

Micro Glazing

     I'm not sure if you've heard about this technique, or if you have heard, if you've used this. For those of you not familiar with it, essentially you're laying very very VERY thin paints to form a smooth blended look. I watched a little clip on YouTube, and I actually tired it in practice on one of my previous "white" marine attempts. The effect was quite amazing. Here's the clip I saw:

     I didn't use the larger amount of colors as he did. Essentially I just took the highest highlight on that model, and used a super thinned down version of that and used large smooth brush strokes to apply it to the model. I was dubious that I would see anything on the model, but with a relative short amount of time, I could see the pigment building up rather smoothly exactly how I wanted it.

     Obviously this technique isn't for every model in a 2000 point army, but I think it can add a little fanciness to some of the more important characters in a list. I'm going to give it a whirl on some future models, see how I like it. I'll let you know how things go.

     That's all for now. I'll be back to my Guard tomorrow. I had ANOTHER flat tire this evening, so I need to get that taken care of, along with some other errands. We'll see how enthused I am about painting after all that. Thanks for reading! Comments and questions are always appreciated!

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