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Perverted homo George Takei accused of sexual harassment, lies to Howard Stern's audience and luckily was never chosen to replace Ivan Doxon to be on Hogans Heroes

Leroy Yates
   George Takai is a piece of shit always has been a piece of shit and always will be a homo sexual harassing piece of shit and yellow trail piss. The often opinionated lour mouth liberal was on the Howard Stern program last month pooping lines from his mouth about the numerous sexual allegations of misconduct this perverted little prick has done to so many people through the years as a spokesman for homos and professional leftist. Howard Stern got graphic with this scumbag Takei who often motored his cock sucking mouth on politics and social issues through the years earning the irritant of many and the rejection of many Star Trek fans. Man I am so glad this poop as slicker was never given the opportunity to be on Hogans Heroes but more on that later as we concentrate on ass romp moron George Takei.
This shit face Takei seemed uncomfortable to the question knowing full well Howard had dug onto George's little balls and done his research on the numerous filthy allegations this perverted jag fag had committed upon so many young gay men in Hollywood. George Takei would get these struggling young actors all fucked up on Saki and get them dumb and drunk and into his home. Curious George would often grope his victims to see their package and force his highness and use his fame to get down and clean the cock of many impressionable twenty year old homo Trekkie having been brain-washed that this Jap is some hero for being on a bad sixties program and being gayer than a fruit fly. Howard Stern is some obscure podcaster that gets big name like George on his program and asked him a serious question whether Gorge had forced himself upon men and grabbed them by the balls much like George often would comment on candidate Trump's old interview gargle from so many years ago. George knew who he was grabbi g and what he could get away with as it would have been even harder to see with black eyes as well as his own.
Creepy China man George Takei was among the most vocal of outspoke making accusations against president Trump but now the old shit is on the receiving end of accusations and it had long been rumored that former Star Trek star George Takei has sexually assaulted tons of homosexuals and forced homosex upon them through both ends. somebody was telling one of our writers that this shit George Takei actually wan considered a role after Ivan Dixon left the program  of Hogans Heroes and luckily this gay harasser never was allowed to be on set and as a cast member of the sixth season of Hogans Heroes as that truly would of been a disgrace to have this cock and ball grabber neurotic and eccentric prick holder that is George Takei and of which this fuck face is so proud to have been in his disgusting and sick perverted existence in Hollywood. I am so glad George Takei was never on Hogans Heroes and only on that stupid space program and in the private parts and ass space of so many gay men.

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