Long time, no blog post! Yes, I'm a corny fellow like that. Even more so now that I've said "corny fellow". Well, onto business! Although it may not be evident to my throng of current followers (called so ironically (as I have approximately two)) or to my future ones, I've been slacking on the blog. I even had a post with a similar agenda to this all written up to explain my lack of blogging. It goes somewhat like this,
· School
· Exams
· Lack of motivation
· Etc.
So, there you have it. I've had a sudden spur of inspiration, most importantly motivation, and a couple ideas bouncing around my head. Also, a side note: I've just read a book (you'll see it in one of the upcoming posts). What does that have to do with anything? I'll tell you. In addition to this being a side note it has become a weird fact about me: I tend to think I write/text/talk/think in the same style that a book has been written in after/while I'm reading it. I say think because I'm most likely not as witty or clever or thoughtful as I believe to be. Ah yes, that was to explain why I may write this blog post in an odd style. Nothing wrong with that, though. Back to the agenda.
Agenda [A list of posts I fully intend to follow through with.]
- 6 Day of Denims
o In which I have six different denim pant items that I have styled for summer.
o Six separate posts
- * insert post title with an odd ghost reference here*
o The Ghost of Ashbury High by Jaclyn Moriarty
o (read the book and you'll understand the title J)
- Craft: Tissue Tassel Garland
o A tutorial
Why am I sharing what is typically "behind the scenes" you ask? To spark a little curiosity, explain myself, give future followers of famous blogger me something interesting to look at (I know, I'm being very presumptuous but a girl has got to dream), and because I wanted to.
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