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Christmas Goodies: Edmonton Oilers Gear and a McFarlane Figure

Hopefully, everyone had a great Christmas. Mine was fantastic. I spent time with family, ate some great food, and got some cool presents. I even got some cool sports-related gifts from the parents. Now, I know most of these gifts would work for a 15-year-old, but even at 33, they still work for me. I guess I'll never grow up.

First off, my folks got me an Edmonton Oilers replica jersey. I know I'm a Penguins guy, but my dad is working up in Edmonton right now, so when they asked for gift ideas, Edmonton Oilers stuff was the first thing that came to mind. Not only is it a jersey, though, but a throwback, as it is the version that the team wore from 1979-1996. VERY cool.

My other Oilers gift was a set of four coasters. These came in a hockey puck case, because they are shaped exactly like a hockey puck. Each of the black rubber discs contain an Oilers theme, and the sides of the coasters have a rough surface, just like an actual hockey puck. They are a bit smaller in circumference than most coasters are, but they are the perfect size for holding a bottle of Labatt Blue.

Lastly, also from my parents, I also got a Willie Stargell McFarlane Sportspicks figure. While the Chicago Cubs are my baseball team, I love old-timey baseball of any kind, but the real reason my dad picked it out for me, was simply because he found it for a good price at a garage sale. It will soon be freed from its plastic prison and placed right next to my other baseball McFarlanes.

Well, that's it. I'm not sure if anyone else cares about any of this stuff, but I think it's pretty cool.

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