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January reading

Like everyone I have a stack of library books to keep me happy indoors during the cold weather. I have "gobbled up" my Lee Child's Jack Reacher book and moved on to Mike Carter "One man and his Bike". A journey round the coast of UK exploring and observing modern life.  So far I am inspired to visit the coastal area of Essex!
I quite like these kinds of books and have read several over the years, I can't remember all their details but some of the ones I most liked were:

  • a journey across middle England on a milk float  (Three Men in a Float)
  • Harry Enfield's father's cycle ride across France - 
  • Journeys by canals - Narrow Dog To Carcassonne and Narrow dog to Indian River (we met the author and his wife at a folk/canal festival some years ago and they were lovely. The dog stayed home because it was raining and he did not like to get wet)
  • Nicolas Crane did a great book when he walked down the longitude line of 2 degrees west down the UK
  • Attention All Shipping: A Journey Round the Shipping Forecast areas
  • a journey down the River Trent by boat - Tom Fort - which has been made into a BBC4 programme (still on iplayer)
  • THE ICKNIELD WAY:a hike across southern England following one of the old track ways and ending in east anglia. Robert Macfarlane
Do any of you bloggers have any recommendations?

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