I see that, according to Morgan, to qualify for a YBiF, I'm to reveal five addictions, and name five blogs I feel are fabulous. Hmmm. Okay, I'll give this a whirl.
1. Coffee. And not just any coffee. Peet's or Panama Red are my faves. But I always carry a handful of cards for other coffee bars, just in case (see photo).
2. Dark chocolate.
3. Texting. Oh, this is embarrassing to admit, but . . . I've found that texting is the best way to stay in touch with my kid-at-college. (No, no, I'm not a helicopter parent, honest!) We have deep and meaningful conversations, which I treasure, such as the following, verbatim from yesterday. (Note the severe lack of punctuation and capitalization on both sides of the exchange.)
College Kid: "i think i left my towels at home"
Me: "They are in yr duffle"
College Kid: "oh ok"
Me: "They are in yr duffle"
College Kid: "oh ok"
4. Reading.
5. Writing. Of course!
5. 1. (Yes, I'm cheating a bit) My ancient, much beloved Original Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, copyright 1965. I still remember the Christmas that I got it. What a wonderful gift!
Now, to nominate five blogs. This is very difficult. I'm still looking around and gathering blogs for my blog roll. And I assume this can include "corporate" type blogs? In any case, here goes.
My nominations for "Your Blog is Fabulous"
Mysterious Matters: Mystery Publishing Demystified
The Blood Red Pencil
The Rap Sheet
Writing for Hire
Short Sharp Science (because I'm a long-time fan of New Scientist magazine)
Whew. Is there anything else I'm supposed to do?
Hope not, because it's past midnight. Oh well. I'm still counting this as a blog for TUESDAY.
Good night and good luck.
5. Writing. Of course!
5. 1. (Yes, I'm cheating a bit) My ancient, much beloved Original Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, copyright 1965. I still remember the Christmas that I got it. What a wonderful gift!
Now, to nominate five blogs. This is very difficult. I'm still looking around and gathering blogs for my blog roll. And I assume this can include "corporate" type blogs? In any case, here goes.
My nominations for "Your Blog is Fabulous"
Mysterious Matters: Mystery Publishing Demystified
The Blood Red Pencil
The Rap Sheet
Writing for Hire
Short Sharp Science (because I'm a long-time fan of New Scientist magazine)
Whew. Is there anything else I'm supposed to do?
Hope not, because it's past midnight. Oh well. I'm still counting this as a blog for TUESDAY.
Good night and good luck.
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