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Daily Planet, Daily Bugle, Eat Your Hearts Out!

You heard it first, you heard it here. As many of you already know, the Comics All Too Real venture started like a class project with delusional hopes of acing the concept of a successful blog. Well, guess what? Both the professor and the rest of the class were blown away by the numbers, the worldwide visits, the whole idea, and of course, the journalistic professionalism used to cover all of our stories. We got an A+, or a 100, or a 10, or even the weird 7 used at Chile, all depending on the scale you're used to for grades, all in all, the results are the same: Very Nikely, we just did it!

And good news for you if you enjoy this blog as much as we enjoy working on it: It will keep going. Grades are over now and a whole new era is about to begin, our very own Final Crisis, or Secret Invasion, always with high level quality content we produce at CATR central. So, keep posting your comments, sending your news and images, if you're chosen for an article, full credit goes to you!

The best is yet to come, we have already planned some stuff you might really like, so, stay tuned!

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